Game results

On this site you can keep score of played games, view analysis and share results with fellow players and friends.

There are plenty of sites where you can play online games. That is not the intention here. Nothing is more fun than playing a game with family and friends. We already look at screens enough. Here you can keep track of the scores of played games.

So you are welcome to try. It is free and your data stays private.

My games


It is not primarily for events or gameclubs. But mostly for games played at home or in a bar with family and friends. For example 30 seconds, 4 in a row, Backgammon, Black Lady, Bowling, Carcassonne, Catan, Checkers, Chess, CrazyEights, Darts, Domino, Game of the Goose, Horse trading, Jass, Keezen, Ludo, Monopoly, Phase 10, Qwixx, Risk, Rummikub, Scrabble, Shuffleboard, Skip-Bo, Stratego, Toepen, Triominos, Uno, Worms and Yahtzee.

So far tracked through this site 2593 games with 48663 scores.

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