
Triominos is a 2-4 player game similar to dominoes, but with triangular tiles.


Game rules for Triominos

Start of the game

At the start, all the stones are placed upside down on the table and shuffled together. This is the jar. With 2 players, each player takes 9 stones, with more players 7. Each player places the stones so that the others cannot see his stones.
The player with the stone with the highest three matching numbers and puts that stone on the table. If no player has a stone with 3 equal numbers, the player starts with a stone with the highest number of total points.

Game flow

Then all players take turns clockwise. The player must place a stone and then the next player is. A stone can be placed anywhere. As long as the points match the tile on the table. If a player cannot, he must take a stone from the pot. Can't build that one either, another one and can't that one either. If he cannot, the turn passes to the next player.


A player gets the points for each stone he places. For every stone he/she takes, he/she gets 5 points deducted. If the player does not place a stone, he gets another 10 points deducted. So -25 in total.
The player who places the first stone gets a 10 point bonus if it is a stone with three equal points. If the first is a 3x0, then 30 points extra. If a player has the highest 3x and the 3x0, then he must show that highest stone, but may put down the 3x0, so that he gets the extra bonus.
Additional bonus:
- Close of a bridge (A): 40 points.
- Placing a stone on two sides (B): 40 points
- Closing a 6 corner (C): 50 points
- Closing two 6 corners with 1 stone: 60 points
- Closing three 6 corners with 1 stone: 70 points

Triominos bridgeTriominos double sidesTriominos hexagon

End of the round

If a player has lost all his stones, that is the end of the round. The winner gets 25 bonus points + the value of all the stones in the opponent's work.
If no player can place more, that also means the end of the round. The player with the last total value in his possession gets the points that all other players have and his own points are subtracted from his total.

End of the game

If one of the player reaches 400 points (but you can of course agree on a different number) then that means the 'gong' for the last round. That round is played and the total is determined. The player with the most points is the winner of the game. That does not necessarily have to be the one who first reached 400 points.

Keep score for Triominos

On this site you can keep track of your played games triominos. Then you have a place where the score of your played games triominos and other board games are neatly together and you do not have to add up the points yourself. You can use the pages as an app on your mobile or tablet, view statistics of all your played games and share the results with your fellow players, family and friends via email and other social media such as whatsapp, facebook and twitter.

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