
Darts is a game in which players throw metal darts from a distance at a round board that hangs on the wall. By aiming well, they can score points and thus win a match.


Rules of Darts

The dartboard

The dartboard is round and divided into squares with a metal grid. The boxes are worth 1-20 points. In the middle is a green circle (the bull) worth 25 points and a smaller red circle (the bullseye) that is worth 50 points. There are also two circles on the points. Throwing in the outer circle yields double points (double), the inner circle three-double points (triple). So a maximum of 60 points can be achieved with 1 arrow if you throw in the triple-20. The outer edge of the dartboard is black and if you throw an arrow in that part, you get no points.


The lane

The dartboard must hang flat with its center at 1.73m above the ground. The player may not stand with his feet closer to the board of 2.73m. Usually a line is put on the ground or there is a kind of 'runner' that the player can stand against with his foot.

The arrows

The metal arrows with which an arter throws must not weigh more than 50 grams and be no longer than 30.5 grams. Most darters throw arrows between 20 and 30 grams. On the back of the arrows are a kind of wings (flights) that give the arrow a stable flight.



The most played dart game is 501. This is usually played with 2 people, but it can also be played with more people. Each player starts with 501 points and they throw three darts alternately. The score is subtracted from their total score. The first person to have their score at 0 wins. The following applies:
- If the player throws more points than he has left, the complete throw (of 3 arrows) does not count.
- The last dart must be thrown into the 'double'.
- Even if this would result in the player reaching '1', the complete throw does not count.


Because of these conditions, the player has to think carefully about the value at which his total comes out so that if he misses the last arrow, he can still end up with the next arrow.

Legs and Sets

A 501 game usually consists of a number of legs and sets after which the winner is determined. It is agreed with each other how many legs and sets are played with. Both are odd. The players alternately start each leg with 501, the first to reach half the agreed number of legs has won the set. The first person to reach half the number of sets wins the game.

Scores of Darts

Traditionally, the score is kept on a board that hangs next to the track. On it, a fellow player writes the points thrown by each player with next to it the points that remain after deducting those points. On speluitslagen.nl the thrown points can be entered after which it is automatically calculated what the player has left and has to throw to win the leg. If a player is out, it is also shown what he could throw to finish (the 'Out'). The won legs and sets are also recorded. You can enter the scores on a mobile, tablet or laptop and the results can be shared with opponents and friends.

old fashioned dartscoreboard dartscore via speluitslagen.nl

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